Marsha is a Professor in the School of Journalism. Her research interests include media bias, and gender issues.
Marsha spent many years at CBC, where she was a senior producer at CBC’s flagship newscast: the National. Before that she was a documentary producer at The National, specializing in investigative pieces for which she won several awards. Marsha also worked as a producer for The Journal.
Before joining CBC, Marsha worked for CTV and TVOntario and did freelance work for the Globe and Mail, Canadian Press, the Toronto Star, and other outlets. Marsha trains reporters and producers for broadcast networks in Canada and also runs journalism training and media training workshops internationally.

Barber, Marsha. (2018). A Father Shouldn’t Cry. In Global Poetry Anthology. Signal Editions. (Poem).
Barber, Marsha. (2018). Avoiding the Rocks. In Open Heart Poetry Anthology. Beret Days Press. (Poem).
Barber, Marsha. (2018). By Moonlight. Verse Afire. Ontario Poetry Society. (Poem)
Barber, M., Levitan, J., & Kappler, M. (2018). Gender representation on Canadian television news during provincial elections: A longitudinal study. The International Journal of Diverse Identities. 17(4): 1-8.
Barber, Marsha. (2018). The Secret. In Open Heart Poetry Anthology. Beret Days Press. (Poem).
Barber, Marsha. (2017). My Husband Drowns the Rats. In Maylor, M and Stromquist, R. (Eds.) FreeFall. (Poem).
Barber, Marsha. (2017). Hint of Snow. Verse Afire. Ontario Poetry Society. (Poem).
Barber, Marsha. (Nov. 30, 2016). “How the medical school admissions process is skewed.” University Affairs. Read here.
Barber, Marsha. (Nov. 30, 2016). “How the medical school admissions process is skewed.” University Affairs. Read here.
Barber, Marsha. (2016). “Junk Food.” Verse Afire. Vol. 2. The Ontario Poetry Society.
Barber, Marsha. (2016). “The Whiteness of Lilies.” Verse Afire. Vol. 3. The Ontario Poetry Society.
Barber, Marsha. 2015, April. The condolence call. Literary Review of Canada. Available here.
Barber, M. & Levitan, J. 2015. Balancing the Books: How Student Employment During the Semester Affects Academic Achievement. The International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning. 21(3-4).
Barber, Marsha. (In press). Balancing the Books: How Student Employment During the Semester Affects Academic Achievement. The International Journal of Adult, Community and Professional Learning.
Barber, Marsha & Levitan, Julia. 2013. Not Seen, Not Heard: Gender Representation on Canadian Television News during the 2011 Federal Election Campaign. The International Journal of Diverse Identities: 12(2), 1-8.
Barber, Marsha and Marc-Francois Bernier. 2012. The Professional Creed of Quebec’s Journalists in Canada. In The Global Journalist in the 21st Century. London, UK: Routhledge.
Barber, Marsha. 2012. Not all cut from the same cloth: Learning styles and curriculum delivery in higher education. The International Journal of the Humanities 9: 62-77.
Barber, Marsha. 2012. Nine Poems. Open Heart 6: Anthology of Canadian Poetry. Ontario:Beret Days Press.
Barber, Marsha. 2012. Two Poems. And The Envelope Please: Anthology of Canadian Poetry. Ontario: Beret Days Press.
Barber, Marsha. 2011. What is the Sound of Someone Unravelling? Nepean, Ont: Borealis Press.
In the News
Vancouver Courier: May 16, 2018. “Liberal election campaign chair says Peladeau uses his media as political weapon” includes an interview with Marsha Barber about her research on media bias. Click to read.
680 News: May 7, 2018. “Should the Green Party have a debate seat even though it doesn’t have a seat at Queen’s Park?” quotes Marsha Barber. Click to read.
CityNews Tonight: Feb. 1, 2018. Marsha Barber interviewed about changes to the national anthem to make it gender-neutral. Click to watch.
Toronto Star: Jan. 25, 2018. “Tories looking for new leader after Patrick Brown sex scandal” quotes Marsha Barber on why the PC party should elect a female leader. Click to read.
National Post Radio: June 7, 2017. Marsha Barber joined Anthony Furey to discuss how the success of the movie Wonder Woman changed the superhero genre.
Context with Lorna Dueck: May 1, 2017
Marsha Barber interviewed about the public outcry over bad behaviour.
Toronto Star: Oct. 29, 2016
“Inside CBC Radio’s new ‘q’ with Tom Power” quotes Marsha Barber. Click to read.
Kites Without Strings: August 11, 2016
“Poet profile: Marsha Barber reflects on all the lovely broken people” interview with Marsha Barber about her poetry. Click to read.
The Canadian Press, Toronto Star: Feb. 26, 2016
“Jian Ghomeshi trial to begin in Toronto Monday” quotes Marsha Barber. Read here.
CBC: The Early Edition, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: Information Radio, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: Daybreak South, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: Edmonton AM, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: Saskatoon Morning , October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: West Coast Morningg, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.
CBC: Superior Morning, October 31, 2014
Interview with prof. Marsha Barber on the Jian Ghomeshi scandal.