Bill joined the School of Journalism in 2002. Before that, he worked at Eye Weekly as Associate Editor, Music/Comedy/Clubs (1991–1993), Managing Editor (1993–1996), and Editor (1996–2002). His freelance work has appeared in magazines such as The Walrus, Maisonneuve, This Magazine, Canadian Business, and the Calgary Herald’s Swerve, and newspapers such as the Globe and Mail and the Hamilton Spectator. His first editorial position was managing editor of Vox magazine, a Calgary-based music and arts monthly, 1986–1988.

Reynolds, Bill. (Spring 2018). Indigenous literary journalism, saturation reporting, and the aesthetics of experience. Literary Journalism Studies, (10)1. 36-44. (Academic article). Read here (starting p. 37).
Reynolds, Bill. (Spring 2018). Full immersion in Syria’s Little Baghdad. Literary Journalism Studies, (10)1. 225-229. (Book review of A Disappearance in Damascus). Read here (starting p. 13).
Reynolds, Bill. (Spring 2018). Note from the editor. Literary Journalism Studies, (10)1. 5-6. Read here.
Reynolds, Bill. (2017). Note from the editor. Literary Journalism Studies, (9)2. 5-7. Read here.
Reynolds, William. (Fall 2016). “Bacchus to Basics.” Maisonneuve. Issue 61. Fall. 8-11.
Reynolds, William. 2016 “Million Dollar Man.” We Make Radio: 30-something Years of CJSW Radio 90.9 FM. 90-95. Calgary: CJSW Publications.
Reynolds, William. 2016. “Note from the Editor.” Literary Journalism Studies. 8 no. 1. Spring. P. 5-7
Reynolds, William. (2016). “Scholar–Practitioner Q+A: An Interview with John Vaillant.” Literary Journalism Studies. 8 no. 1. Spring. 152-165.
Reynolds, William. (2015).“Teaching Magazine Editing: Part Art, Part Science, Part Craft.” In The Future of the Magazine Form: Research Perspectives and Prospects eds. Abrahamson, David and Prior-Miller, Marcia R. (New York: Routledge), 480-490.
Reynolds, William. (2015). Notes from the Editor. Literary Journalism Studies 7 no. 1. Spring.
Reynolds, William. (2015). Notes from the Editor. Literary Journalism Studies 7 no. 2. Fall.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Maisy’s Best Books of 2014. Maisonneuve. December 2. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Bill Reynolds: The Story. National Post. November 28. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Bill Reynolds: The Book Project. National Post. November 27. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Bill Reynolds: John Lefebvre. National Post. November 26. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Bill Reynolds: Genesis. National Post. November 25. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Greenwich Village at Night & Mary McCarthy’s Immersion Journalism. Global Literary Journalism: Modes of Narrative Non-Fiction, eds. Richard Lance Keeble and John Tulloch. New York: Peter Lang, 247-260.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Magic Realism with Bullets: Charles Bowden and Ciudad Juárez. Global Literary Journalism: Modes of Narrative Non-Fiction, eds. Richard Lance Keeble and John Tulloch. New York: Peter Lang, 183-200.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Life Real Loud: John Lefebvre, Neteller and the Revolution in Online Gambling. Toronto: ECW Press.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. What a Feeling! The Walrus. July–August: 5-6. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2014. Come as You Are. Maisonneuve. 16-18. Available here.
Reynolds, Bill. 2012. On the Road to Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson’s Early Literary Journalism (1961–1970). Literary Journalism Studies 4 (1): 51-84.
Reynolds, Bill. 2012. The Tiger in the Coal Mine. Literary Journalism Studies 4(2): 116-119.
Reynolds, Bill. 2012. From Cold War Cultural Critic to Mocking Liberals: Canadian Editor-Writer Robert Fulford’s Long Journey, Richard Keeble and John Tulloch (eds), Global Literary Journalism: The Journalistic Imagination (New York: Peter Lang, 2012), 269-284.
Reynolds, Bill. 2011. The Edge of Canadian Literary Journalism: The West Coast’s Restless Search for Meaning Versus Central Canada’s Chronicles of the Rich and Powerful. InJohn S. Bak and Bill Reynolds, eds. International Literary Journalism: Historical Transnational Influences. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Reynolds, Bill and John S. Bak, eds. 2011. Literary Journalism Across the Globe: Journalistic Traditions and Transnational Influences. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Reynolds, Bill. 2009. Steve Lopez’s The Soloist: A Lost Dream, an Unlikely Friendship and the Redemptive Power of Music. Literary Journalism Studies 1(2): 123-125.
Reynolds, Bill. 2009. Recovering the Peculiar Life and Times of Tom Hedley and of the Canadian New Journalism. Literary Journalism Studies 1(1): 79-104.
Reynolds, Bill. 2009. Geared Up: On the Road to Two-wheeled Transcendence. In Moira Farr and Ian Pearson, eds. Cabin Fever: The Best New Canadian Non-fiction. Toronto: Thomas Allen Publishers.
In the News
Huffington Post Canada: Sept. 30, 2016
“Rogers to overhaul magazines, will stop printing Flare, Sportsnet, MoneySense, Canadian Business” includes interview with Bill Reynolds.
Click to read.